Our Kindness Act to You

Our Kindness Act to You: March Price Reduction
If you follow on our social media channels you will have seen that on 17th February it was Random Act of Kindness Day #randomactofkindness; and that the #BeKind campaign, to help prevent online and face to face bullying, has gained huge momentum across all channels. Much of this momentum was triggered by the unfortunate death of Caroline Flack; and the online media coverage she had received.
The news over the previous weeks had not been very positive in many spheres: storms and destructive floods and fear of the spreading coronavirus and its worldwide affect. February has not been a great month.
We thought we would try and do our little bit to help attempt to spread some kindness; and, with this in mind, we have managed to reduce the ticket price of our March seminar session: Discovering Animal (Equine) Communication, to just £8 per person.
We thought this session is ideal for helping spread a bit of positivity as it covers how we can help build a more in depth bond with our horse and start to open your mind to improved animal communication. For this session we welcome Animal Communicator and Equine Massage Therapist Ronnie King from Equine Voices.
We will start to discover how we can achieve better equine communication and start to uncover the potential emotional bonds you can reach with your horse.
Join us to start to discover how you could be guided by the information the horse relays through intuitive communication and their body language.