Webinar: Connection Training with your Horse: Build better bond

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We are pleased to be able to bring you the recording of Connection Training with your Horse: Build a better bond webinar, delivered for E-horse by Olivia Turner Animal Behaviour Consultant & Equine Bitting Specialist.

Many of you have attended Olivia’s equine behaviour and bitting taught sessions with us previously; and we are very lucky to have someone so knowledgeable join us online to for a webinar looking into Connection Training

Within this session we will focus on:

How you can improve you relationship with your horse by the use of Connection Training.

Explore the theories of behaviour and how to work with your horse to build a better bond.

This session is available free to those who attended the online session on September 8th 2020 or is available to purchase to watch-on-demand.

If you would like to book a a consult with Olivia regarding behaviour or bitting/ bridle her contact details are:

07956 205 937



