Webinar: Mechanics of Bits and Bitting

We are pleased to be able to bring you the recording of Mechanics of Bits and Bitting webinar, delivered for E-horse by Olivia Turner Animal Behaviour Consultant & Equine Bitting Specialist.
Many of you have attended Olivia’s equine behaviour and bitting taught sessions with us previously; and we are very lucky to have someone so knowledgeable join us online to for a webinar looking into the Mechanics of Bitting

This session is available free to those who attended the online session on 3rd November 2020 or is available to purchase to watch-on-demand.
This is also the Bitless Bridle that Olivia recommended during the Q and A:
Course Content
If you would like to book a a consult with Olivia regarding behaviour or bitting/ bridle her contact details are:
07956 205 937